LNY Celebration, Character Bee, volunteer opportunities and more!

Upcoming events and content:

Save the dates:

  • Spring BCIC booths (Countryside April 19, KidFest May 4)
  • End of the Year Celebration    May 17

Event recaps:

  • 3rd-5th Games
  • Kindergarten Round up
  • LNY Story Time
  • Chicago Philharmonic Concert


Join Us for the Barrington Chinese Immersion Council (BCIC) Second Lunar New Year Celebration! πŸ‰πŸŽ‰ Happy Year of the Dragon πŸŽ‰πŸ‰β€¦

Parents and students, come be part of the magic at the CI Lunar New Year Party! Dive into the festivities, volunteer, and make memories as we celebrate the Year of the Dragon together. πŸŽ‰πŸ‰

LNY Volunteer Sign Up Here
Join our BCIC Open Board Meeting! Hear how we are supporting the CI program through initiatives, events, etc.…

April 24, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
We are delighted to announce the upcoming Character Bee, an exciting and educational experience showcasing the language skills of your student(s).…

January Event Recaps:

3rd - 5th Games in Chinese

Chinese Mad Libs, word searches, and more character games! We also had a Chinese card game and jump rope. Thank you to all the CI students and families that participated! This is one event I think the volunteers enjoyed just as much as the students!

Kindergarten Round Up

Kindergarten families gathered at local schools to learn about what school will look like for their child. Every elementary school included a slide about the D220 special programs including Chinese Immersion. On February 7th there was a zoom call with families interested in the CI program. Ms. Chin and Ms. McKee were on the call and are very excited to welcome new Kindergarteners in August 2024!

Lunar New Year Story Time

Parade dragon, books, songs and games! It was a wonderful time focused on Chinese New Year's traditions and the year of the dragon. I was quite impressed to have the students sing the whole ι’‚εδΊŒη”Ÿθ‚–ζ­Œ without needing the words or music! The volunteers were wonderful too!

Chinese New Year Symphonic Concert

BCIC wants to thank the Chinese Consulate for generously inviting our CI families to the concert. Beautiful music was played and they even had a traditional Chinese instrument, the pipa. Our family truly enjoyed it as did many others.


About Us:

Our mission is to advocate for and support the Chinese Immersion Program in District 220, Barrington, Illinois: its families, staff and teachers both in and outside of the classroom with advice, materials and experiences not covered by our tax dollars. We aim to build a strong relationship and sense of community between BCIC, the school district, teachers, staff, participating families and the community at large.

Email: bcic220@gmail.com
Website: bcic220.org

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Barrington Chinese Immersion Council
PO Box 283, Barrington IL 60011